OptiFlow Technology (OFT)

R53 bespoke technology enabling smooth and highly efficient flows. Turbulent and laminar flows fully controlled for an optimal pressure balance distribution on the damper. Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools are extensively used to develop our dampers.
Dual adjuster (low and high speed)

Adjuster technology that combines 2 adjusters on the same cartridge for a very efficient package. R53’s dual adjusters have 32 clicks for low speed and 32 clicks for high speed. Very compact and great clicks feeling.
Corner Weight Adjuster (CWA)

Technology enabling adjustments of corner weights without the need of changing spring preloads.
Main features:
· Simple adjustment with vehicle on the ground or in stands.
· 15mm of adjustment.
· Available on TR35 range (Possible to implement on other platforms).
Hydraulic Adjustable Bump Stop (HBS)

Technology for the end of compression stroke energy management. The HBS is a hydraulic system which replaces conventional hard bump stops with hydraulic cushion. This technology allows to absorb high energies in short travel in a progressive manner. The HBS is a speed and position dependant technology.
· Fully Tuneable (Load, Engagement and Progressivity).
· Available on the ST46 and ST60 (Adjustable option).
· Provides progressive and smooth increase of end-of-travel load.
Hydraulic Rebound Stop (HRS)

Technology for the end of rebound stroke energy management. The aim of this technology is to dissipate the energy progressively and reduce the chassis acceleration at the rebound end-of-travel. HRS is adapted to each application.
Twin Tube Pressurized Technology (TTP)

The twin tube pressurized technology is a design that allows the gas pressure to always backup the low-pressure side of the piston, to keep pressure at a controlled level. This ensures consistent damping performance on all types of terrain and improves damping response to give outstanding control of the car and tire movements.
Twin tube design allows higher levels of adjustability (Low and high speed compression and rebound).
Twin tube technology available on thru-rod and Non thru rod versions platforms.
External Adjustable Blow Off System (BOA)

Technology developed for optimal kerb riding as peak loads are reduced, which makes driving over curbs smoother and also reducing the risk of punctures.
· Externally adjustable activation load.
· Tuneable load range.
· Tuneable blow Level and severity.
Roll and Pitch Control

Available for factory programs.
Circlip Fixed Seal Head

Robust Technology for seal head fixing that allow the damper to always stay connected to the car even in the event of accident or loss of oil as the sealhead used is non threaded so cannot come loose. Our Safety and Reliability enabling Technology.
Roll Valve Technology

Technology enabling the change of damping depending on lateral or longitudinal accelerations. The RVT allows using softer springs and roll-bars for higher grip and traction levels.
Available for factory programs (customer version avaialbe in 2021).